Ready to Supercharge Your Laptop Income?
Here's Your 14-Day Fast Start Guide!
Since AffiliateMuse.Com offers a 14-Day Free Trial we wanted to give you a way to start earning commissions before your trial is up!
BTW - When you upgrade to a Lifetime Membership you get The AM System which does this marketing for you.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sites offering affiliate marketing techniques, tips, and approaches.
Unfortunately, many of these sites will have you spending time, and money, on software, sites, and tools that you don't need in the beginning.
So, let's simplify this process for you.
First, what is Affiliate Marketing?
If you have purchased a membership you probably already "get it".
If this whole referral thing is new to you here are some more details.
Many companies have referral programs. This is where you refer a sale of their product and service and you get something. Here are some examples:
- a hotel may give you a room for a night.
- an airline might give you a discount on your next flight
- a cosmetic company might give you free make-up.
Typically these rewards are low value and you can't build a part-time income stream from them.
Affiliate Marketing Versus Network Marketing (MLM)
Before we go any further let's clear up an important point.
AffiliateMuse.Com is affiliate marketing NOT network marketing or MLM.
Network marketing revolves around how many people are actually in your network. With AffiliateMuse.Com you can make a considerable part-time income when others just place ads from your link. In addition, you are not required to:
- do face-to-face selling
- attend physical meetings
- spend time on Zoom calls
- buy or stock products
- deal with rejection
Fastest Way to Promote AffiliateMuse.Com
Some sites teach ways to promote affiliate marketing involving the following:
- PPC. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
- Social Media.
- Blogging.
- Coupons.
- Email Marketing.
- Webinars.
These approaches are well and good once you have made some money through referrals. But in the beginning the fastest, and we believe the best, way to start is by posting reviews.
Review Benefits
- You can write them quickly.
- They don't cost money to post.
- Many people are reading them.
How to Do It
Settle on a few keywords that you will use to write the articles.
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a term used in digital marketing to describe a word or a group of words used to perform a search in Google or another search engine. These keywords are often signaling a consumer's buying intent.
Single Operated Newsletter
You can see how we used the keyword term "Single Operated Newsletter" to drive traffic. If you type it into the Google search bar you will discover that is occupies most of the organic (non-paid) searches. (BTW - you will receive the Single Operated Newsletter as a new member).
Here is a list of sites to place articles for free.
1. Prlog.org
2. Linkedin Articles
3. EzineArticles
4. Scoop.It
5. Issuu
6. Yudo
7. Article Alley
9. Joomag
10. ArticleBiz
Pick a goal to get 10 review articles throughout these sites in the next 7 days.
The Secret to Leveraging Online Traffic
Right this very second MILLIONS of people are searching online. Here's the secret to how to find them. They are looking for the following:
A) How to solve a problem (pain)
B) Where to find entertainment (pleasure)
Here are the BIG search niches online:
1) Health
2) Wealth
3) Romance
AffiliateMuse.Com addresses the second niche: Wealth.
Let's get started finding the traffic for the reviews that you will write.
Step 1
Go to YouTube and search the keyword term: "How to make money online"

Step 2
Click on the "Filter" in the upper left-hand corner and then sort by "view count"

Step 3
Choose one or two of the top results on the page.

When we currently do this search for "how to make money online" the number one search result goes to the YouTube channel: "Practical Wisdom - Interesting Ideas"

Now go to the search bar and click on the word "VIDEOS"

Then click on the words "SORT BY" in the upper right-hand corner (below "ABOUT") and sort by

This is where you will find the TRAFFIC!
Currently in the number one position, most popular, is the video entitled:
"10 Legit Ways To Make Money And Passive Income Online - How To Make Money Online"
This is the string of keywords that you will use to write your first article.
Under the title of the video, you will see a search bar that reads: DISLIKE SHARE SAVE and then you will see three dots.

Click on these dots and you will see "Open Transcript."

Click on it (give it a few seconds to open). You will now see a transcription box in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Now drag your cursor over the words and copy and paste into a blank document file (Word, Notepad, etc.).

This tip will save you the time it would take to watch the entire video.
Your article might look like this:
10 Legit Ways To Make Money And Passive Income Online - How To Make Money Online
Are you looking for ways to make money online? Here are some suggestions that may benefit you:
Now you can list the 10 methods that are outlined in this video.
**[Be a little creative and don't plagiarize word for word.]
When you end the article place a phrase like this:
If you want to know how to earn income online from a service that every business needs click the link below (By the way you can get started for FREE):
**[Insert the affiliate link you got when you joined here]
Rinse and Repeat!
Now you just do this with other YouTube videos from the same creator or others on the first page of your search. This method is a quick way to get articles written on keywords that get lots of traffic from YouTube and Google.
If you type the words "Single Operated Newsletter" into the Google search engine you can see some of the articles we created.
Here's a link to one of them below:
That's It!
Have fun with it and stay focused.
Remember, you will get an entire stack of other amazing, little-known methods to generate FREE traffic when you become a Yearly Member with AffiliateMuse.Com.