Join Our Students Who Use this Job Replacing

Proprietary System
to Generate up to Six-Figures Part-Time
Without Using Paid Ads or

Making Phone Calls
and Makes Them Money While They Sleep...

What online business to start?

  • Most people coming online to make money don't know what to do and where to start. The secret is not to look for some gimmick but instead to find a problem and help solve it.

    Our students use a System that solves a genuine and large problem for their subscribers.
  • According to USA Today:
    " in two people reaching retirement won't have enough money."
  • The retiree population is projected to reach 82 million, a 47% increase from 2022.
  • This is also how our students can earn thousands in recurring part-time income so quickly.

Short Course Summary

Exciting Announcement!

Before I get into the brief System summary see your Brand New Bonus we just added...

If you are in a hurry here's a quick summary of why students use our Proprietary System to earn side income:.

First, the System that you will simply plug into is responsible for getting millions of readers to search for our paid newsletter (S.O.N.). 

(You can see Google Proof in real-time here).

Note: to find Google search results click on the word "Tools" under the magnifying glass in the search bar and then look to the upper right corner.

You will be able to let this same System generate hundreds to thousands of leads each day without paying for any advertising (including Facebook and YouTube).

When you look at how online advertising costs have increased this alone makes our System worth the price.

My name is M.T. Smith

I spent a decade in the advertising game creating million-dollar marketing campaigns for Fortune 100 clients (of the top Fortune 500 companies), government agencies, and local mom-and-pop accounts. 

(I even made great money on Amazon FBA before the game and rules changed).

I've discovered that the most direct path to wealth today is through a digital asset. 

Running a paid newsletter is one of the best digital assets you can own because you have complete control.

(For Example - all of those YouTube 'skip ad' creators are misdirecting you with one thing while ultimately trying to get you to buy their digital product on the back end).

Our Proprietary System is for you if:

  • You like to do things your way. 
  • You don't like a boss looking over your shoulder. 
  • And more importantly, you have tried several online money-making approaches and have not gotten the financial success you've wanted.

Our PaidLetter team has been at this for a while, discovering what works for our students (and what doesn't).

Here are the summary points:

- You won't need to become a writer to earn income with a paid newsletter.

- Technical skills are not required, and you won't need to become an 'expert' to start your cash flowing.

- You won't need to spend time on phone calls selling prospects (or being counter-sold), you won't need to create webinars, and you won't be using paid ads.

- You can totally forget about doing Product Launches!

- We have a Proprietary System that does the lead generation, reader conversion, and curated content delivery.  

- It gets your subscribers quickly. And with only 200 subscribers paying as little as $47 a month, your curated content is a six-figure income (part-time).

- You won't be offering courses or coaching for thousands of dollars only to have your clients refund through bank chargebacks!

- You will learn the powerful benefits of "Faceless Branding." It removes issues regarding gender inequality, race, language barriers, and ageism that can prevent cash flow from even starting.

- Our System leverages the newest, most lucrative, niches that massively increase your monthly income.

Our AI-backed System removes the drudgery and wasted time that prevented you from seeing financial success online in the past.

Plus it has a 100 percent money-back guarantee! (We call it your "Success Guarantee").

Finally, if you can't afford to use our Proprietary System right now, you can take the video crash course workshop (see details here).

In less than an hour, you get an overview of our System. It even gives you access to some of the "secret sauce" that will let you start earning money today

(But, of course, you won't be able to access our Proprietary System).

Remember, you are losing money every day that you spend online without making sales because you are wasting your time!

And time is your most valuable asset - because you can NEVER replace it!

M.T. Smith



P.S. - If the following excuses are stopping you from taking action:

- I don't have any time to do this.
- I am not an expert.

- I am too OLD.
- I have ZERO people on my list.
- I have no certificates or degrees.
- I have no support.
- I am in DEBT!
- I have no results or testimonials.

- I am not good enough to do this.
- I have no MONEY!

Then you really need to experience the life-changing benefits of using our Proprietary System to generate income part-time while overcoming all of these excuses.

If our Proprietary System is not in your budget right now watch the course overview that students used to earn money first.  Click here.

P.P.S. - Want to discover why so many global subscribers look forward to (and pay for) our Single Operated Newsletter each week?

Get your free week without needing a credit card. Click here.

The Pre-Selling Problem!

Many suggest pre-selling your product or service to get cash upfront and determine market interest.

But thanks to AI and other research methods, we already know what the market wants.

Potential buyers might be skeptical about pre-selling if they are unsure whether the product or service will actually come to fruition. Convincing them to commit upfront requires a high level of trust.

Plus, pre-selling takes you back to the main issue; many people never get past the 'label' (sexism, racism, ageism, language barriers) to discover the quality of your product. Again, it's the limited thinking roadblock problem that limits your income.

Offering a satisfaction guarantee protects the buyers. It also gives you a chance to provide higher-priced products after they have experienced the transformation of your initial offering. And you don't need to deal with telephone selling or the hassles, and costs, of a sales team.

Continue reading to get more details about our Proprietary System...

Thinking About Offering High-Ticket Products?

You are hearing lots of talk about high-ticket offers. Afterall doesn't it make sense to offer something with a high price tag - it's the same amount of work as offering something with a low price tag, right?

Frankly, no. 

The average person coming online to make money usually doesn't have thousands of dollars to invest.

(This is why they are online learning to make money).

The advantage of using our System is that you are offering a low price product ($9 - $47). Our System finds the readers, converts them into paying subscribers, and delivers the curated content for you.

Even at $47 a month just 200 subscribers will give you a six-figure income and set you free from a job (or boss) that you don't like.

Here are the 3 Keys to New Online Wealth:

1- Create a following. For our students it's subscribers and the System does it for you. (Plus you can do it anonymously).

2- Control the platform! Today this is more important than ever before. It must be a platform that you control (that eliminates YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and yes, even TikTok).

3- You control the money! Students love the fact that their money comes directly to them!

Other online newsletter models just give you the mechanism for sending out a newsletter. They don't teach the psychological triggers that turn readers into subscribers. Plus, they don't even give you access to the newsletter database that you built!

The Value of the C.E.N.T.S. Model
Our System lets students enjoy the C.E.N.T.S. model. You will access a new income source and avoid the typical online challenges.

C - Control - students have learned that true financial freedom comes from controlling every aspect of the product. And nothing lets them do it better than  a digital product. You can't win online without eliminating the "race to the bottom" pricing. This means physical products are not your best option.

E - Entry - or more properly put: "create a barrier to entry". This is sometimes called a moat. Our students create an asset that makes it difficult for competitors to steal market share from them. Their subscriber base is that moat. It allows them to build and profit in stealth mode - since the System sends your curated content privately via email!

N - Need - Our students curate content that their readers eagerly pay to access. They now understand that the most lucrative paid content shows their readers (subscribers) how to increase income. And the more income their readers earn the more our students get to charge. 

T - Time - Students can separate labor (their time) from the money they earn. Something you can't do with a job. Using our System creates passive income streams that flow around the clock.

Scale - Some of our students tried selling physical products online. But there is a  huge downside to this model. The complexity of importing, warehousing, and shipping is time and cash-flow-consuming. Not to mention the "supply chain" issues! They now understand that it is much easier to scale their income with a paid newsletter using our System.

Using Our System has become the Key to Financial Freedom

Financial freedom means having enough savings, financial investments, and cash on hand to afford the kind of life you desire for yourself and loved ones after all the bills and debt have been paid. 

This is the only way to experience true financial Freedom.

With Our System:

1) Students have discovered how a paid newsletter has changed their income status faster than other methods they've tried.

2) They simply let the System find eager subscribers, curate the content, and deliver it rewarding them with monthly cash flow.

3) Our Proprietary System allows them to run a one-person deep business from anywhere in the world. And generate tremendous financial leverage starting part-time.

The real secret to getting paying subscribers is having a value proposition that works.

Our students are not dealing with physical products (brick and mortar) or the costs associated with them.

You may already know the benefits of earning income with digital products but here’s a quick refresher:

  • Lowest overhead costs.
  • Can be accessed globally.
  • Profit margins are irresistible.
  • Delivered immediately!
  • Never out of stock.
  • Unlimited product types.
  • Easy to manage, sell, and deliver.

Students agree that our System is a game changer.

They have learned how to grow subscribers and income without using paid advertising!

Their New Life!

Our students are now plugging into a Job Replacing System that operates around the clock - 7 Days A Week - 365 Days A Year.

Even When they Are Not There!

They are providing curated content to eager subscribers willing to pay for it. The modest fee ($9 to $47) they charge is growing a healthy subscriber base of engaged monthly subscribers.

And as subscribers fall off, your System will simply replace them (while adding new subscribers) because that's what a system does.

Our students are finally able to start living the life of their dreams with the money they need to enjoy it.

"Won't I need to book calls?"

Most people willing to take a 'booked call' usually have their own agenda. That means you will spend hours on the phone being counter-sold by would-be customers. 

And once you get a prospect on the phone the first time, it's almost impossible to talk to them again.

Using our System allows you to earn thousands of dollars part-time without:


- Cold calling

- Cold emailing

- Paid ads

- Webinars

- Product launches

"What about paying for ads won't I need them to get started?"


The Power of Stealth!

Your System delivers curated content via email. You will no longer need to waste days relying on social media to deliver your content.

One of the biggest reasons to be careful about social media is because these platforms come and go without any notice!

Remember these?

  • Friendster
  • Myspace
  • Vine
  • Periscope

Email has been around for over 50 years, with the first email being sent in 1971! This is how your subscribers will receive your paid newsletter each week.

The other great thing about email is that your competitors can NOT see what you are doing.

(And some will even pay for your program just to find out).

Who is our System for?

  • You have a side business that is not generating enough money.
  • You want to travel to new places.
  • You want (or need) to work remotely from home.
  • Your retirement income is not enough.
  • You need to pay off debt.
  • You want side income without doing complicated or technical stuff.
  • You're tired of wasting months on social media without any money to show for it!

What is a Faceless brand?

You will learn the powerful benefits of owning "Faceless Brands." They remove issues regarding gender inequality, race, language barriers, and ageism that bog down most marketer's cash flow. You will leverage several lucrative niches that massively explode your income.

Your Secret Weapon!

Some of the gurus would have you waste time creating free newsletters and trying to get sponsors.

Let us save you that time and heartache now.

Most free newsletters are NOT read. Period!

Then when your sponsor (who can be worse than your former boss) discovers that their products aren't selling things turn sour quickly.

New students weren't aware of the immense income bump available from paying referring subscribers!

Students are learning that when you are willing to share your bounty the subscriber numbers escalate very quickly.

Even a $47/month paid newsletter with only 200 subscribers earns you $100,000.00 dollars a year.

Remember you are doing this on a part-time basis.

Imagine what happens when you go full-time!

If only 20 of those existing subscribers refer one new reader you have given yourself a $12,000 dollar raise!

And what happens when these new referred subscribers learn that they can also be compensated for sharing your offering?

Remember this, subscribers that you pay for referrals remain loyal and Stay!

There is a well-known online fitness couple with a 100 million dollar net worth.

On the way to building their business empire, making at least 100 daily touches was critical to their success.

When you use our System to do your reach-out work, it frees your time and puts your marketing efforts on auto-pilot!

Making more than 100 touches a day is done automatically using our System.

Plus, you get our brand new bonus that lets you use AI to create a Faceless Course. Your course can start earning income for you in only 3 days. ($97 Value).

This bonus also comes with a FREE DFY website, which you can also use to host your course (without domain or hosting fees). ($197 Value)

Besides the $200 commission received from referring our System, you also get $50 for each Faceless AI Course referral you make.

If you take advantage of our
3-Pay Option for only $99 your bonuses have a higher value than the cost you pay today.

Remember, you will continue to receive lifetime bonuses when you order the System today during the discount window.

Students learn how to run a S.O.N. business from anywhere on the planet (with internet access).

The Price of Staying Where You Are!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. But doing that won't change your life or the stack of bills on your table.

Are you are watching days turn into months and then slide into years without reaching important financial goals?

Aren't you finally ready to leave a place where you are undervalued and make the money that you deserve?

Sometimes students will ask, "why a 4-week course?"

It's a good question.

Typically with online courses, you get all of the information at once. Too often this leads to information overload!

You are not sure which lesson to tackle first. Then you are tempted to take on too much the first day.

It's easy to get confused.

You can become frustrated and never return to the training.

With your Fortune Training Course each week you will get precise instructions. This step-by-step guidance will give you exactly what is needed to accelerate the creation of your paid newsletter.

Then when the fourth week arrives, you will be ready to present your 'baby' to the world using the System.

Our Proprietary System is how you will explode the growth of your subscriber list!

Our Proprietary System!

Our students have realized that the real value of the Fortune Training Course is our Proprietary System that no other company offers! 

This is where you are granted access to our private mechanism for generating your first 200 paying subscribers at light speed! 

And you will make this freedom lifestyle income without paid ads, phone calls, or wasting hours of your life on social media.

 Our System:

  • Sets you free to enjoy life while the it does the work and generates income for you.
  • Finds the perfect subscribers eager to get on board because you will show them how to quickly increase their income.
  • Lets you generate this income one person deep! You won't need employees to deal with (no tax headaches or lazy employee issues).
  • Lets you start earning thousands of dollars in weeks, part-time, and allows you to scale (to six figures a year or month) as quickly as you want.
  • Remember our 100% Money Back Guarantee removes all of the risk!

"The PaidLetter.Com approach to income creation without using expensive Facebook or Google ads is worth every penny you will pay for the course."

How Our Students' Lifestyle Has Changed...

  • They Have Been Transformed! They now have created a paid newsletter generating income in a hot lucrative niche.
  • They Generate Subscribers Effortlessly with our System. They have built a subscriber base with loyal readers eagerly looking forward to each new issue they release.
  • They Have A Truly Remote Laptop Business. They have regained financial control of their lives. Now they can work from anywhere on the planet!

Our Students Are Excited About the System...

Our students use the "Contact Us" button on our site to share their excitement about using our System. 

"When the weather is lousy it's so nice to sit on the sofa with a cup of coffee watching Netflix with new daily cash-flowing!"

"I was in the 7th month of building my YouTube channel. Then they yanked it down without a reason!! This System puts me in control of my cash flow. Wish I knew about it sooner." 

"I used to report to a job that I hated and work all day to make a living. Now that money comes to me almost magically while I'm enjoying life." 

"I was wasting months posting 'wise' sayings on social media. Meanwhile, I was looking for a job because my bills were growing. This program let me earn real money that other programs only promised."

"I put off joining for a year. Thought I was too busy. But in that time if I'm being honest I didn't make any new money. In my first month, I made $2,200 with your paid newsletter system. I was crazy to wait so long!"

" I make more on the side than I do working full-time."

"I read comments from other former Uber drivers. But I used your system to replace my income because I got tired of using disgusting public restrooms!"

"It was hard to keep doing what wasn't working each day. (Not making money). Thank you for changing my finances."

 "I just got tired of paying bills each month with nothing leftover. My life has changed. Thanks!"

A student with her Master's and PhD shared her reason for using our System: "A close friend asked; 'if you're so smart why aren't you rich?'"

"Thought that I needed to be an author. Making great side money with this system and I can't even write!"

"I put myself out there for months without any income in return. Now my money comes in without putting "myself" out there."


We understand that as you go through the course you may have questions. That's why we provide 24/7 email support to answer your questions.

Our Coaching Option:

We can also address specific issues you may have and tell you precisely the best course of action to take. Because our coaching is via email you will save the many hundreds of dollars that in-person coaching costs.

Note: You will always get customer support. But this specific strategy coaching option is only available when you order during the next 30-minute window.

Your order is time-stamped so don't miss your coaching option and discount.


You missed out!

Get the Following Special Offer!

Order "The Paidletter Fortune Training Course" in the Next 30 Minutes...

Experience A Life Denied!

When was the last time you took a vacation?

A real one where you're gone for weeks.

Working a job for years can mechanize your emotions. You become used to clocking in and out and the rut of a routine.

It's hard to imagine how out of touch you are with deeper feelings of joy and happiness.

When you don't have enough money it tends to occupy every waking thought. All you can do is worry about it.

One of the first things many of our students do once the money starts pouring in is to take a vacation!

Discover what it's like to finally start living the life you want.

How Much Is It?

How much is your freedom and happiness lifestyle truly worth? 

  • What is it truly worth not to report to a boss or manager you can't stand each day?
  • How will it feel to wake up when you want instead of being a slave to your alarm?
  • How much is it costing you now NOT to earn the income you are worth?
  • What are the long-term health costs of spending hours each day in a stressful environment?
  • Aren't you tired of being undervalued and underappreciated?

The regular price for "The Paidletter Fortune Training Course" is $497.

When you compare it to the cost of buying a franchise or a business dealing with employee hassles it's a real bargain!

However if you order in the next 30 minutes you will pay only $297.00

That's right.

You will save 200.00 dollars!


You still get the $200 dollar referral commission when you pay $297.00!

(But only if you order during the 30-minute window!).

Share it just 10 times a month and earn $24,000.00 dollars on the side.

This makes your purchase a smart buy!

(Even smarter if you order during the 30-minute window and save 200.00 dollars).

What Makes PaidLetter Different?
Remember, other newsletter platforms only give you the mechanics for sending out a paid newsletter.

But only The Fortune Training Course provides the psychology of converting readers into paying subscribers and will let you access our Proprietary System that makes getting your first 200 subscribers a breeze.

(And 200 subscribers paying only $47 a month is a six-figure income (that you have made on the side). 

Order while your discount is still available!


- Inspiration to keep you motivated through the process.

- The essentials of getting to the "money-making" without the fluff or filler.

- A brand new lifestyle income stream that will get and keep you excited each day and give you a new project to anticipate!

- Our unique Proprietary System (not available anywhere else) will explode the growth of your subscriber base!

- Yes. We even Guarantee It!

The sooner you start the faster it can all begin for you! 

Use Our Secure Payment Method:

Even though the online trend has been personality-building for the last few years the new future is here.

The personal branding approach created a single point of failure (SPOF).  Many creators crashed and burned with programs. Others never found mass (viral) acceptance.

Now AI has changed the game!

You can create several faceless brands simultaneously. This expands and increases your earning potential.

Discover how to use the internet to monetize faceless branding.

A new year is quickly approaching.

Finally ready to level up your bank account?

Order during your 30-minute discount window to have this new bonus included (remember, all orders are time-stamped)