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Classified Ad

30 Day Classified Ad - $100
Thanks for your order. Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to appear on AffiliateMuse.Com. Order here.
Classified Ad for 3 Months - $250
Thanks for your order. Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to appear on AffiliateMuse.Com. Order here.
Classified Ad for 6 Months - $500
Thanks for your order. Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to appear on AffiliateMuse.Com. Order here.
Classified Ad for 12 Months - $900
Thanks for your order. Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to appear on AffiliateMuse.Com. Order here.
Banner or Business Card Ad
Banner and business cards appear first in the listings!

Banner or Business Card Ad for 30 Days - $500
Thanks for your order. Your Banner or Business Card Ad: Banner – 468 pixels x 60 pixels (JPG image - horizontal orientation only) Business card – 3.5 inches x 2 inches (horizontal orientation only) Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to post. Order here.Banner or Business Card Ad for 6 Months - $2,500
Thanks for your order. Your Banner or Business Card Ad: Banner – 468 pixels x 60 pixels (JPG image - horizontal orientation only) Business card – 3.5 inches x 2 inches (horizontal orientation only) Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to post. Order here.Banner or Business Card Ad - 1 Year - $5,000
Thanks for your order. Your Banner or Business Card Ad: Banner – 468 pixels x 60 pixels (JPG image - horizontal orientation only) Business card – 3.5 inches x 2 inches (horizontal orientation only) Please allow up to 72 hours for your ad to post. Order here.As a Monthly member, you will receive:
- $10.00 from any Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime membership referral.
- 14-Day Fast Start Guide ($19.99 Value)
- Single Operated Newsletter Subscription ($97.00 Value)
As a Yearly member, you will receive:
- $10.00 from any Monthly membership referral.
- $50.00 from any Yearly membership referral.
- $100.00 from any Lifetime membership referral.
- 14-Day Fast Start Guide ($19.99 Value)
- Single Operated Newsletter Subscription ($97.00 Value)
- The Membership STACK (Priceless!)
- One classified ad for an entire year ($1,200.00 Value!)
As a Lifetime member, you will receive:
-$10.00 from any Monthly membership referral.
- $100.00 from any Yearly membership referral.
- $5,000.00 from any Lifetime membership referral.
- 14-Day Fast Start Guide ($19.99 Value)
- Single Operated Newsletter Subscription ($97.00 Value)
- The Membership STACK (Priceless!)
- Fortune Training Course ($497.00 Value)
- The A.M. System - That generates leads 24/7.
- One banner ad each year for the lifetime of membership ($5,000.00 Value!)
You can also take advantage of automated technology through THE A.M. SYSTEM!
This will give you the unique ability to earn the highest commissions.
Second Tier Income!
You receive Second Tier Income from member referrals:
$5.00 on each Monthly membership sale
$25.00 on each Yearly membership sale.
$100.00 on each Lifetime membership sale.
Note: As a Lifetime Member you receive $1,000 second-tier commissions from Lifetime Memberships.