All of the experts on manifestation agree that you need to put yourself in the future vision.
Unfortunately, many people can visualize their TV shows better than their future.
Let’s fix that!
Many people use a static Vision Board.
But scientists have proven that video is much more powerful for impacting your subconscious mind.
We will place a picture of you in a beautiful Future Self Vision Video.
Start your day with your Future Self Vision Video and watch your future change!
Here’s what we need:
1) Provide a JPG body photo.
2) Environments to be placed in
(Example: luxury house, tropical beach, a luxury car).
3) Affirmations that you want repeated:
"I now own a new (type of car)"
"I now have (amount) in my bank account."
"I am now in a romantic relationship with the person of my dreams".
"I am healthy and happy and now weigh (weight) pounds"
It’s always better to put your affirmations in the present tense (I now have) as opposed to the future tense (I will have).
Note: let us know if you want a male or female voice giving the affirmations. You can include a .mp3 file of your voice repeating the affirmations. (You will be provided an email address to send your file after ordering).
Your Future Self Vision Video will have:
1) Your photo in (front of) the video.
2) Environments (Example: luxury house, tropical beach, in front of a luxury car).
3) Your affirmations repeated in the video.
Order from an Option Below:
Option A – 3 Minute Video
1) Your photo in (front of) the video.
2) 3 environments
3) 5 affirmations
Option B – 5 Minute Video
1) Your photo in (front of) the video.
2) 5 environments
3) 10 affirmations
Option C – 10 Minute Video
1) Your photo in (front of) the video.
2) 10 environments
3) 20 affirmations
Watch short sample of a Future Self Vision Video below: