
Why More Than 100,000 Paying Subscribers Look Forward to Our S.O.N. Each Week and Why It's Your Guide to Making A 6-Figure (Part-Time) Income This Year.

Your first issue of the Single Operated Newsletter (S.O.N.) will show you why more than 100,000 paying subscribers enjoy it so much.

It will also reveal why NOW is the perfect time to start your side income and how to overcome obstacles that may have led to your online failure(s) in the past.

The great news is that YOUR FIRST WEEK is already in your email box!

(But only if you entered a VALID email address)

If you didn't - 
CLICK HERE and go back and do that.

At the beginning of their Make Money Online journey, many are confused about how to get started.

The question we get is:

"Which program, path, or product do I use to earn this side income?"

After all of the smoke clears it eventually comes down to doing the work:

  • Finding the target audience.
  • Converting the target audience.
  • Delivering your curated content.

However, it would help if you worked smarter, not harder. (And doing this allows you to earn income faster). This is what our S.O.N. shares with our subscribers.

Most of the current MMO gurus are teaching:

  • Send cold DMs (or emails).
  • Spend hours on the phone.
  • Pay for ads on sm (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.)

Our readers love that we take a different approach to 'the work'. And this is why they keep coming back, week after week, to devour each new issue.

We reveal:

- Why you don't need to be a writer or author to make money with a paid newsletter. Many of our subscribers do none of the writing.

- Which industries are the most lucrative based on data.

- Why we offer the best Guarantee in the paid newsletter industry.

Too many paid newsletter creators waste time and have little profit to show for it. Many spend months (or longer) creating 'freebie newsletters' and chasing sponsors.

Our subscribers who tried it will tell you it's a horrible waste of time and energy!

Your Special 30-Minute Offer!

Now it really gets exciting!

Because if you order the entire year's access to the Single Operated Newsletter 

while the clock is still ticking you won't pay the regular annual price of... 


(Even at the regular price it is still a GREAT DEAL because you will be able to create your own 6 to 7-figure paid newsletter and upgrade your lifestyle).

INSTEAD, order during the 30 minute window and pay the insanely low price of ONLY...


Yes! This is a ONE-TIME price

(without any monthly fees)

According to Statista...
During the third quarter of 2023, YouTube removed over 10.5 million channels from its popular video-sharing platform.

And that same story is repeated on other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok.

We reveal what to do when your writing doesn't count!

Dozens of our subscribers (now publishing their own paid newsletter) tried the crowded KDP marketplace and just got lost!

They couldn't get attention had little control and didn't make any real money!

Now you will discover the Power that writing has when YOU control the platform and the focus.

There aren't any ceilings on the money you can make with a paid newsletter.

And you will never again spend months working on a platform only to be pulled down by the "big guys" unfairly.

You can join other 6 and 7-figure income earners who have changed their lifestyle and are happy again.

Our paid newsletter is searched for by more than a MILLION readers each DAY on Google! (More than 30 million searches each month).

You will learn how to get traffic for your paid newsletter with this same method without paying for ads!

Click here to see Google Proof in real-time here

Note: to find Google search results click on the word "Tools" under the magnifying glass in the search bar and then look to the upper right corner.

Are You Wasting Time on High-Ticket Offers?

Do you think High-Ticket offers is the key to online financial success? Too many high-ticket product creators (or marketers) waste time and have little profit to show for it. Instead, they deal with:

  • Bank chargebacks
  • Chasing folks by phone
  • Feeling like an imposter (non-expert)

Your clients (subscribers) won't need to pay thousands of dollars yet they will eagerly look forward to the content you provide each week.

Other Benefits:

  • Your clients pay a small monthly subscription (less than $50 in most cases).
  • You will use our system to get thousands of subscribers!
  • When you lose a couple of subscribers due to churn it’s insignificant because you will constantly add new ones.

Ironically, this 'low-ticket' approach becomes the real path to hassle-free (and guilt-free) HIGH TICKET income.

Here's What We Will Reveal:
- The popular information on buying triggers is only the tip of the iceberg. We disclose the deeper psychological leverage principles that quickly convert readers into subscribers.

- The subscription model that works best for you based on schedule and time commitments.

- The most important reason why now is the perfect time to start your own paid newsletter (especially in light of the economy and inflation).

- How EASY it is today to overcome the hurdle of technology (thanks to AI and Moore's Law).

Your life changing subscription will TRANSFORM your cash flow as you discover...

- The top 9 processes to create intimacy 
between you and your subscribers online (when everyone is distracted with too much input).

- Why you no longer need to become a "coach" and spend endless hours on the telephone (getting counter-sold) or pay others to earn an amazing income.

- How you can turn casual readers into paying subscribers DAILY without cost!

- The secret way to make your words generate money for you ON DEMAND (worth 10X what you will pay today).

- How to create authority even if you are a "nobody" (i.e. brand new)

- Why the paid newsletter income model is better than almost any other MMO model (especially in a  recession-fearing environment!)

- The power of the FREE mechanism for converting readers into subscribers- after all it's why you are reading these words now!

- The magic of creating your 'ACTIVATE' keyword.

- How to eliminate REFUNDS and reduce "digital theft" (while delivering a better caliber of long-term subscribers).
 Only a few marketers know the right way to make this strategy profitable! (And we spent 9 years getting it right).

-The FASTEST way to update your content curation process to keep it fresh.

   How the keyword "Single Operated Newsletter" dominates the first page of organic search on Google (with more than 30 million views each month!) and how to use the same strategy for your offer! 

(The secret to why we didn't use "Single Operator Newsletter" (wink).

 How to create the FREEDOM lifestyle you've wanted around any schedule.

  The NEXT new hot trend that will forever change the face of subscription marketing and how to profit from it before everyone else discovers it!

    The biggest growth hack 
to scale your subscription business FAST (it is the most important income exploding strategy we reveal!).

    The best platform to market on RIGHT NOW and how you can take advantage of it (Nope, it's not TikTok, Reels, Telegram, or Threads!).

     The Big Idea
How to find and develop captivating recurring income ideas that set your brand apart from the herd - BASED ON AI GENERATED DATA!

    The TRUTH about maximizing your paid newsletter's Passive Income and how to keep it flowing for you while other things in life try to distract you.


  The Real Secret to making the LARGEST amount of daily income possible! Even if you cancel your subscription you will be glad we revealed this!

Now This Will Probably SHOCK You Because

You get all of these Strategies, Tips, and Inside Secrets during YOUR FIRST MONTH!

There are TONS of FREE newsletters online.

Here's the dirty secret: nobody reads most of them!

Yep, because they're free (and not considered valuable) readers scan them, let them stack up in their email, or simply delete them.

(It's also why it's impossible to get and sustain sponsorship (despite what the gurus will tell ya).

The real problem is that their publishers don't understand the psychology of how to convert readers into paying subscribers.

Why readers will pay for your content, and why you don't need thousands of them.

This means you won't need sponsors or have to lie about your numbers to entice them.

When you learn how to get readers to pay for your content 200 subscribers (or less) will free you from a boss and dramatically change your lifestyle.

Your fortune begins when you drop the 'freebie crowd' mentality and learn how to get readers to pay for your content.

Otherwise, you're just wasting time (life?) online.

NOTE: the other paid newsletter platforms only focus on the mechanics of delivering a newsletter. Plus they don't give you access to the database that you built! (How insane is that?)

Ready to Change Your Life and Dramatically Increase Your Bank Account Balance Now?

"YES, I want to discover the secrets behind the most powerful online subscription conversion strategies. I realize that these strategies are being used right now to pull in BILLIONS of dollars in paid newsletter sales over the Internet! I also know that these strategies and insights are worth my weight in GOLD!"

"YES!, I want the premium money making strategies that S.O.N. subscribers access each week!"

"YES! I am ready to make this year the best ever. Please grant me access to the S.O.N. Now."

I am clicking the "Add to Cart" button below and can't wait to get my Brand New Cash Flow started (at the discounted price) BEFORE THE CLOCK RUNS OUT!

But wait - we are not finished yet...


We saved the best for last. 

Look at your

Amazing Special Offer...

That's right, we've already done the work. All you do is share your link with others looking to generate online passive income and earn money around the clock.

According to Google, the Paid Newsletter Market is Exploding:
"The global Email Marketing marketplace, was estimated at 7.5 (USD Billion) in 2019 and is slated to accrue earnings worth 27.45 (USD Billion)..."

Now you can get a piece of this HUGE marketplace.

Remember, only 200 subscribers paying $47/month is a six-figure income!

Ordinarily, it costs $97 for a one-year subscription. And our readers around the world will tell you it's a great deal.

However, if you act right now, you can claim an entire year of the Single Operated Newsletter for just $49.

That works out to less than 14 cents per day… a tiny price to pay for everything you’ll receive.

To recap, here’s just a sample of what you’ll get with your subscription:

  • Popular online information about 'buying triggers' is just the tip of the iceberg. You will discover deeper psychological leverage that quickly converts readers into subscribers.
  • Which subscription model works best based on your schedule and time commitments?
  • Which content is the most lucrative and will generate monthly income the fastest?
  • The most important reason that now is the perfect time to turn on your new side income (especially in light of the economy and inflation).
  • How EASY it is today to overcome fear of technology (thanks to AI and Moore's Law).

  • Your life-changing subscription will TRANSFORM your cash flow as you discover...

    • The top 9 processes to create intimacy with your subscribers and keep them engaged.
    • Why becoming a coach is the slow path to a 6-figure online business.
    • Why you will never again have to spend time on the telephone to earn your income!
    • How to turn casual readers into paying subscribers DAILY without costs!
    • The secret way to make your words generate money on-demand (worth 10X what you will pay today).
    • and much, much more!


    You’re only moments away from turning on your new cash flow with the inside secrets, strategies, and tips that our six and seven-figure subscribers worldwide access each week!

    Don't Wait - Take Action Now...

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