The Rise of the Single Operated Newsletter

Thought newsletters were relegated to the dusty catacombs of offline marketing and no longer pertinent in today’s digital world?

Think again!

Digital newsletters and specifically the Single Operated Newsletter are giving rise to new one-person deep fortunes.

Some of those newsletters are built around individual blogs and columns and were created in response to a dedicated following that wanted deeper engagement with the content.

More recently, emerging journalistic newsletters are establishing some best practices for creating content that makes use of email as a non-public, semi-exclusive channel for growing audience reach and building a loyal following.

Many of the high-tech online communication tools are designed to get people to read your email.

For example:

  • There are dozens of email services
  • CRM tools are coming on board each day
  • SEO tools are ever-popular
  • Webinars are still watched (mostly on replay)
  • A/B testing software is being purchased

Yet, single operated newsletter providers have landed upon a strategy that works in its sheer simplicity.

Give your readers something they want (or need) and charge them for it.

If the service is valuable enough your emails will get opened.

(And your subscriber base will grow).

Your income will no longer be controlled by a boss or some corporation. Instead, your new freedom lifestyle will depend on:

what you know,
how skilled you are in finding and managing the information you need,
who is in your network of contacts.

In an information economy, the ability to search/find, analyze, evaluate, deal with, absorb, learn from, manage, share and leverage useful information with, from, and to others is a strategically valuable skill.

Get your Free week of the single operated newsletter that our clients pay to read. (Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page).