Paid newsletters are email campaigns that people pay to receive, usually on a yearly or monthly fee subscription base. They’re a great way to supplement your businesses and a good tool for individuals who want to make money building their personal brand.
The Single Operated Newsletter is one of the hottest
categories online. Home-based entrepreneurs who wasted money trying to
ship physical products or a YouTube celebrity are discovering the many
benefits of the Single Operated Newsletter model.
Paidletter.Com Fortune Training Course shows you how to discover the
highly profitable subscription niches that demand top dollar!
But let’s bypass the sales pitch and talk about some content that continues to remain popular for digital newsletter publishers.
To create a successful email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to know the tricks of the trade.
Getting people to notice your emails, open your emails, click on the stuff in your emails, and respond to your emails is tricky.
1) Motivate Readers to Opt-in
You must accept the fact that many readers will not subscribe the first time they see your offering.
This means that you must give them a good reason to take a closer look at what you are offering.
Unfortunately saying “sign up for our newsletter” is not going to do the trick.
must understand what the reader “values” enough to take action. The
word “value” has been used so many times online that it’s reached the
point of nausea.
You may even be in the group who believes that people don’t like to pay a monthly fee (subscription) for anything!
Let me linger on this point for a second.
Each month (and in some cases every day) you probably engage in the following “subscription” behavior:
– buy a cup of coffee
– get your hair styled (or cut)
– purchase a quick lunch or dinner
Now the fact that you are doing this on a regular (subscription) basis never even crosses your mind! It’s not an issue.
Because you truly value the service or item mentioned above.
most of these cases, the money you are paying for these services far
exceeds the modest amount you will be getting for your Single Operated
Newsletter offering.
You will learn that providing real value online isn’t different at all.
even easier and much more lucrative. Remember, you are not dealing with
physical products (brick and mortar) or the costs associated with them.
You simply need to discover what online readers value in the same way.
2) What is your Single Operated Newsletter’s purpose?
You must be clear about what the content in your newsletter will provide and why it’s worth the money you’re asking for it.
Unlike some newsletters that are trying to get the reader to take action:
drive sales
increase social media presence
download an e-book
drive traffic to a landing page
promote a new product or service
Your newsletter must contain “the product”. Meaning that the
Single Operated Newsletter you are creating must be self-contained.
3) The Power of the Subject Line
Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert once stated (paraphrased):
purpose of the headline (in an ad) is to get the prospect to read the
first sentence. And the purpose of the first sentence is to get the
prospect to read the second sentence and eventually avail themselves of
the CTA”
For our purposes, the Call To Action for the subject line is to get the prospect to open the email. Which is the first CTA.
can’t get conversions from your Single Operated Newsletter if nobody
opens it. Your subject line can make or break the success of your
marketing campaign.
Once you understand how to increase open rates
with different subject lines, you’ll have a better chance of getting
high conversions from your Single Operated Newsletter.
82% of marketers report that personalized subject lines lead to increased open rates.
One of the most common ways to personalize a subject line is by using the recipient’s name.
enticing way to encourage opens for your newsletter is a time-sensitive
subject line. Come up with a way to create a sense of urgency.
(You can learn more of the persuasive lessons taught by Gary Halbert and others at the links below).
4) Your content must be relevant
The fact that you are running a Single Operated Newsletter means that you already know the demographics.
But don’t get lazy. Your content must still be worthy of the price that readers are paying or they will unsubscribe.
5) Consider adding video to your emails
that include videos have 96.38% higher click-through rate and 5.6%
higher open rates. Even if they aren’t reading every word, they can
still get a general sense of your message.
People are visual
learners. Using images and videos can help people process and retain
information better. Don’t be afraid to add these elements to your
newsletter promoting your Single Operated Newsletter.
6) Measure your results
The only way to find out whether your newsletter is converting is to take the time to measure that.
email marketing software you’re using should have these analytics tools
built directly into the platform. Take advantage of them to see how
you’re doing.
Look at things such as:
open rates
bounce rates
click-through rates
7) Remember that stories sell
don’t dedicate lots of time to reading the text and reviewing sales
newsletters. You’ve got to come up with ways to keep your audience
Stories are interesting.
Once you hook your audience with a captivating story, they’ll likely to continue reading it to find out what happens.
8) People love to procrastinate.
must create a sense of urgency! Many people tend to procrastinate.
Maybe they’re wrapped up in something at the moment or just aren’t in
the mood to complete your desired action right now.
Most marketers
complain that the “most challenging obstacle” to their email marketing
is getting people to take action by clicking on the call to action (or
whatever the click goal of the email is).
9) Nail the closing
Besides the subject line, the closing is arguably the most important part of an email.
It’s the point where a reader will decide whether or not they want to act on your offer and proceed any further.
The goal here is to wind down and transition into a well-crafted call to action (CTA).
CTA is the money of your email—the reason why you’re sending it in the
first place. Make it strong, unmistakable, and clear.