Digital Trends


Our PaidLetter staff scans the digital landscape each week.

We pour over the trends that are impacting subscriber’s income.

This allows you to transfer that knowledge to your subscribers increasing their income (and yours).

Are you new to the internet?

According to Google:
There are 5.07 billion internet users in the world today. The total number of internet users around the world grew by 171 million in the past 12 months – that’s an average of almost half a million new users every day.

Imagine, a half-million NEW users come online DAILY!

In our experience people get on the internet primarily for two reasons:

1) To solve a problem.
2) To be entertained.

And one of the biggest problems many of them seek to solve is financial debt!

This means that they want to make more money.

If you, like many of our students, are new I hope that we caught you before you wasted money trying to sell physical products online.

It’s true.

As recently as 5 years ago, even a newbie online could make some decent money with physical products.

But the game has changed because of:

  • Supply chain issues.
  • Product Knockoffs (usually from China).
  • Dreaded ‘race to the bottom’.

Sure. Some professionals make lots of money online. But they are paying thousands of dollars. Often daily. Advertising their products.

You may not be ready for that yet.

Something that surprised us about our new students was this:

They weren’t looking to become entrepreneurs or even business owners.

Most were simply looking to pay off some bills.

Something that our students found valuable is the fact that you don’t need to pick a “MMO” niche to earn a great side income.

The world is a big place.

We reveal how to find a niche that readers (subscribers) will gladly pay you $10 to $50 a month to learn more about.

Even at $10 a month (the price of 2 Starbucks coffees) one-thousand subscribers will build you a six-figure side income.

The Dangers of High-Ticket Offers!
The “High-Ticket” guys try to gouge folks for $5,000 to $25,000 dollars on one product. Then they try to convince you that these customers will pay these enormous price tags each month!

I’ve got one word for you:


Once that emotional buyer cools off and realizes what they have done the refunds start rolling in!

The Single Operator Newsletter approach is a TRUE win-win.

Your subscribers will continue to pay the ten to fifty dollars you ask each month because it’s a measly fee compared to the TRANSFORMATIVE content you are delivering them!

That’s what we show our students how to do.

And you can learn too.

A Transparent Tip!

Here’s a strategy from our course.

When you order the Single Operator Newsletter Video Crash Course you get a discount on the yearly newsletter. (Regularly $97/yr you will pay less than a third!).

Why would we do this?

Quite honestly, when you see the value exchange in each weekly issue you will be more likely to take the 4-week Fortune Training Course.

The Fortune Training Course is where we really spill the beans!

By the way – if you want to see why our PAID subscribers (around the world) eagerly await their next issue of our Single Operated Newsletter you can get a FREE issue here!