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Webinars, Paid Ads, or Phone Calls!
The Single Operated Newsletter
Video Crash Course!
What our students discovered...
The online gurus are trying to get you to create a high-ticket course.
High-ticket courses (that sell for thousands of dollars) are pitched as the perfect method to earn income online.
The average person coming online to make money usually doesn't have thousands of dollars to invest.
(This is why they are online trying to make money).
The advantage of a paid newsletter is that you can help them for a longer time (subscription). And you can charge a reasonable fee.
Even at $47 a month, two hundred readers will yield you a six-figure income!
(Part-time while keeping your job).
When you lose a subscriber at this low price, it's not a problem because the system we will show you replaces them.
But when you lose a client that paid $2,000 dollars or more, it's a different story!
What is a Single Operated Newsletter?
A single operated newsletter is the new way that, individuals are creating financial independence.
Here's something that surprised us.
Most of the people who took the Fortune Training Course weren't trying to become entrepreneurs.
They weren't even looking to become business owners!
Most simply wanted to pay off overdue bills.
Some of the other things that they liked about this approach included NOT needing to do (or deal with) any of the following:
- Paid ads
- Being on camera
- Coaching
- Blogging
- Product Launches
- Telephone selling
- Cold or “warm” emailing
- Physical products
- Webinars
- Live streams
- Supply chain issues
Many also liked that their new money is being created without taking on more debt.
When you Google the keyword single operated newsletter our company ( comes up first in organic search.
When you Google the keyword single operated newsletter our company ( comes up first in organic search.
A few more reasons that our students consider our approach so valuable:
- They were able to get started quickly.
- There weren't any phone calls to make.
- They didn't have to chase prospects.
Not Ready for the full PaidLetter System Yet?
We get it!
Many of our readers weren't ready at first either.
This is why we created this Video Crash Course overview.
After discovering the tremendous benefits of using our System they were finally ready to take the leap.
Advertising Is Expensive (and Confusing)
Yes, it's true.
Advertising costs are increasing every day.
Folks taking our course loved being able to leverage 100% Free traffic!
(But these aren't the same worn-out methods being taught everywhere else).
Many students said this:
"...saving hundreds to thousands of dollars that Facebook, YouTube, and other social media advertising would have cost made it a no-brainer."
It Sure Beats Freelancing!
We know that many feel that freelancing is the only way to earn side income. But there are some HUGE drawbacks:

Remember, with a S.O.N.
At This Point, You May Be Asking: "Can I do this"?
So you may be wondering: "Can I do this"?
You may be overworked or have two jobs.
Yet you still need additional income to meet expenses and personal goals.
Perhaps you think that creating your own new income stream with the PaidLetter System will be too hard.
But here's a BIG secret.
If you have ever posted anything online you have all the necessary technical skills.
Do you have something you are passionate about and would love to write about it?
...maybe you don't have any clue as to what your S.O.N. would be about!
Let's go even further and say:
- you don't write (or hate writing)
- hated English in school
- struggle with grammar
Good News!
Here is the mind-liberating reality - none of that matters!
Because you will plug into the exact "Job Replacing System" that:
- Finds readers
- Converts them into paying subscribers
- Delivers the curated content
Imagine freeing yourself from a job (or boss) that you dislike. Or adding a new income stream to improve your existing lifestyle.
Let's Look at Some Numbers...
Here are some sample scenarios to give you an idea of what you could do:
Remember, the System is constantly finding new subscribers and replacing any old ones that drop off. It does it around the clock!
Scalable and Sellable!
Once you get a subscriber base up and going you can scale it as large as you want.
You can even sell the single operated newsletter and cash out.
The other exciting benefit of the S.O.N. model is that it can be sold for many times what it earns you yearly.
(And, depending upon the niche you choose that number can be very high).
Start With ONE S.O.N.
Students were surprised at how easy it was to get one side income stream started.
They were able to quickly create life-changing income!
Most were surprised by how much FUN they had working on it. They said it gave them something to look forward to each week.
The PaidLetter System Contains Everything You Need to Generate Income...

Fortune Training Course
The Single Operated Newsletter Video Crash Course is designed to get income flowing from your first project. It is a condensed overview of the 4-week PaidLetter Fortune Training Course. You will discover how to create a Single Operated Newsletter for a hot lucrative niche. And build your subscriber base with loyal subscribers eagerly looking forward to each new issue that you release. Only this course will let you access our Proprietary System which makes getting your first 200 subscribers a breeze. (200 x $47/m is a six-figure side income).

Single Operated Newsletter
Our Single Operated Newsletter is the 'weekly coach' and go-to resource for paid newsletter creators, managers, and brokers. Here are the inside secrets that the pros are using. You also get the newest research that reveals what motivates today's online readers to subscribe! Plus, get your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration.

Here it is:
The Single Operated Newsletter
Video Crash Course!
Our video training will take you through the basics of getting your single operated newsletter up and running (and generating income).
Here are the areas your video training will cover:
Finding the perfect S.O.N. idea for you!
Researching profitable hot topics.
How to get paid for your single operated newsletter.
Leveraging the 'Freebie Model' without losing your shirt!
The power of Content Curation
The newest and easiest conversion strategies.
And of course...
How to save thousands of dollars using 100% free traffic!

The Time & Effort Trap!
Do You Believe...
1) That you can only get paid through time and effort (trading time in the form of labor for money)?
2) That you will give as little effort as you can each pay period to collect your check (because this means that "you win")?
3) That there is a maximum amount of money you can earn based on your education level?
If any one of these is true for you...
Get Ready to Change Your Financial Lifestyle!

What You Get
You will get a glimpse of the full PaidLetter System.
- The System finds the topics subscribers will pay to read.
- The high-profit newsletter models that are killing it online.
- The newsletter landing pages that work the best for immediate signups.
- The power of content creation. Your subscribers are inundated with tons of free content. This is why they will pay for the quality content that saves them time and makes them money.
- Case study insights where you walk in the paid newsletter millionaires' shoes and discover exactly what they are doing.
Our students no longer fear the recession (or losing a job) and have created new income streams by using our System.
- Inspiration to keep you motivated through the process.
- The essentials of getting to the "money-making" without the fluff or filler.
- A brand new lifestyle income stream that will get you excited and give you a new project to anticipate!
- How to start your paid newsletter making thousands of dollars using FREE tools!
- Our unique Proprietary System (not available anywhere else) that will explode the growth of your subscriber base.

Experience A Life Denied!
When was the last time you took a vacation?
A real one where you're gone for weeks.
Working a job for years can mechanize your emotions. You become used to clocking in and out and the rut of a routine.
It's hard to imagine how out of touch you are with deeper feelings of joy and happiness.
When you don't have enough money it tends to occupy every waking thought. All you can do is worry about it.
One of the first things many of our students do once the money starts pouring in is to take a vacation!
Discover what it's like to finally start living the life you want.
This Discount Will Be Gone Soon!
It may not be here the next time you visit this page.
(But even if you miss the discount it's still worth a thousand times the price).

What Makes PaidLetter.Com Different
Other newsletter platforms just give you the mechanics for sending a paid newsletter.
But only PaidLetter.Com specializes in the psychology of converting readers into subscribers and will let you access our Proprietary System that makes getting your first 200 subscribers a breeze.
Our students were relieved to discover that they didn't have to spend any time trying to sell on the telephone.
Other programs give you a low upfront fee and then require you to spend hundreds of dollars per month on tools and software. We let you start earning thousands of dollars with FREE tools!
Your S.O.N. SYSTEM will do the Lead Generation, Selling, and CLOSING in the exact same way!
(Plus you are earning this new income without paying for ads or leads).
You Can Only Get Our Proprietary Lead Generating System with PaidLetter.
(It's NOT available anywhere else!)
What Does It Cost?
What is your freedom lifestyle truly worth?
- What is it truly worth not to report to a boss or manager you can't stand each day?
- How will it feel to wake up when you want instead of being a slave to your alarm?
- How much is it costing you now not to earn the income you are worth?
- What are the long-term health costs of spending hours each day in a stressful environment?
- Aren't you tired of being undervalued and underappreciated?
The Regular Price is
Limited Time Offer - Your Discount Price is
Start adding a new money source to your life for your Special Discounted Price.
Click the "Add To Cart" button now before the price goes back up!
You Can Get Started Immediately...
When you click the "Add To Cart" button and watch the video training (which you can access now) you will get everything you need to start making money NOW.
Create Your Own Recession-Proof Income Stream!
When you use our System to do your out-reach work, it frees your time and puts your marketing efforts on auto-pilot!
Making more than 100 touches a day is done automatically using our System.
If you have an offer that is not getting traction it may require more touches.
But you may dread the thought of making 100 phone calls, DMs, or emails daily. You may have even tried in the past but got busy or distracted.
Plus, you may not have the funds to pay someone else to do it for you.
Our System students easily achieve this goal without:
- DMs
- Cold calling
- Paid ads
- Or webinars
Stay Stuck?
The complete PaidLetter System is $497 dollars.
You may not be ready for that yet.
We get it.
But many of our successful students started with this Single Operated Newsletter Video Crash Course first. It gave them the essentials to start their S.O.N.
Once they understood the value of our offering they took that next step.
You may decide to leave this page, miss the discount, and stay stuck.
But your life won't change.
You will still have stubborn bills, still report to a boss or manager that you dislike, and return to your "cycle of sameness".
This also means that you miss out on an exciting accomplishment, a chance for that happier financially independent approach to a "new" life.
Our System lets you generate 6-figures part-time!
The choice is yours.
Right this moment your chance to change is less than $20 bucks. (Yep, a one-time fee).
Order *within 30 minutes to get the discount (or if you missed out pay the regular price) either decision is still a life, and income, changing way to start this New Year. (For less than a few cups of coffee).
You missed out!
*(Note: the software timestamps all orders)