Why can’t we walk on water?

PaidLetter.com Forums WalkAwayFat Forum Why can’t we walk on water?


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  • #8258

    Why can’t we walk on water? A few days ago I saw a lizard-like animal running very fast on the water. But why can’t we run on water?

    Sonia Chambers

    Some reptiles leap on the surface of water with their feet sometimes touching the water surface occasionally which gives us the impression that it is running fast on water. Except insects probably nothing else can actually walk on water. We can swim and lose weight, so why think about walking on water.

    Pat Robinson

    Mykel it is because how each species are made, we humans for instance belong to the category land animals, the best we can do on water is swim, lizards and frogs on the other hand are amphibians so they are able to travel faster on water.

    Joan Wilkinson

    I have always wondered why we could not fly but never ever thought why we cannot walk on water.

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