
Buyer Conversion Mechanism

The psychology behind a buyer conversion mechanism revolves around understanding how buyers make decisions, how they perceive value, and the cognitive and emotional factors that influence their purchasing behavior. In this context, a "buyer conversion mechanism" refers not only to the physical or digital tools used for purchasing but also to the psychological triggers that drive a buyer's actions and decisions within the buying process.

Our chief copywriter, Richard A. Hartz once sold these secrets elsewhere online for hundreds of dollars. But now you get them included in our System and with the S.O.N. (searched for more than one million times each week on Google).

The System


  • Sets you free to enjoy life while it does the work and generates income for you.
  • Finds the perfect subscriber eager to get on board because you will show them how to quickly increase their income!
  • Lets you generate this income one person deep! You won't need employees to deal with (no tax headaches or lazy employee issues).
  • Lets you start earning thousands of dollars, part-time, and allows you to scale (to six figures a year or month) as quickly as you want.
  • You can earn thousands each month from referring our System even if you don't start a newsletter!
  • Remember our 100% Money Back Guarantee removes all of the risk!

See the System

The S.O.N.

Your FREE issue of the Single Operated Newsletter (S.O.N.) will show you why more than 100,000 paying subscribers enjoy it weekly.

Today, subscribers will read what they have purchased. Most subscribers delete the endless free emails (even if they requested them) because it creates stress. 

Subscribers receive too much free content (and that number grows daily). It has become valueless.

The S.O.N. will also reveal why NOW is the perfect time to start your side income and how to overcome obstacles that may have led to your online failure(s) in the past.

Get Your Free Week!

(without needing a credit card).