Single Operated Newsletter – Clara Parkes – The Daily Respite

A single operated newsletter may be the easiest business ventures to set up:

1) Create an account
2) Import your email list (Paidletter shows you how to grow one)
3) Connect to a payment system (we prefer Stripe) to receive payments.

Readers subscribe monthly or annually, and most publications offer a discount for the annual subscription.

In Clara Parkes’s words:
“I am an author and lecturer, community builder and passionate advocate for wool. Like many of you, the pandemic erased a busy year and left me staring into silence and slowly slipping. Needing a daily touchpoint and failing to find just the right balance of brevity, humor, and soul, I decided to do it myself. I launched the Daily Respite.

The premise is extremely simple: Every morning, I email a little nugget as you start your day. A short video clip, a piece of music, a poem, an idea. Nothing too long or too cumbersome, just enough to set you on your path for the day. I love creating it, and people love receiving it.”

The Daily Respite is $6 per month.

Get your Free week of the single operated newsletter that our clients pay to read. (Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page).