Single Operated Newsletter – Impatience The Big Marketing Sin

Impatience is triggered when we have a goal and realize it’s going to cost us more than we thought to reach it. If you sit in your room with a blank mind, you will not be impatient. You’re just there. Now, if you decide that you want to go out and do something fun, you have adopted a goal.

A couple of tips to help with impatience:

1) Notice what triggers your impatience. If you track your emotional states during the day, you can better define situations and behaviors that trigger your impatience. Use this emotional inventory to help you monitor your emotions and moods for two to three weeks. This will help you develop your self-awareness.

2) Look for patterns. You might find that you are more vulnerable in specific situations or periods. This awareness can help you prepare for difficult conversations and better manage your schedule based on your energy and emotional needs.