Single Operated Newsletter – Start A Business Without An Original Idea?

If You Are Ready to Start A Business But Don’t Have a New, or Exciting, Idea Yet Read This…

Start A Business Without An Original Idea? Heresy You Say? Maybe Not…

The Problem
Okay, that’s it. Your boss is an idiot and you’ve had enough! You are finally ready to strike out on your own.

You are convinced that anyone can run a business better than him (her). Now you are finally ready to give it a shot.

But here’s the problem. When you thumb through the trend and business magazines you realize that you don’t have “that thing.”

You know, that amazing idea for some catchy new product, gadget, or service. Nothing has hit you. Does this mean that you are destined to continue to work in a place that you hate and struggle in silence?

Unique Product or Service
The running joke in business circles is that you can spot the ‘business pioneer’ because he has an arrow in the back.

This, of course, is the reference to the early American settlers that charted paths across the Wild West in hopes of finding gold.

But do you really need a brand new business idea in order to find success?

The Promise of Success
Burger King did not invent the fast food restaurant. They looked at the success of McDonald’s and emulated it.

They made some tweaks, innovated a little, and…VOILA!

In fact, Burger King lets McDonald’s do the heavy research, and customer traffic analysis. Then they simply set up shop across the street.

Customer survey polls for local and small business finds them wanting better service. That’s why you can not only find success, but own the market, if you are just 10% better than the competition.

Sometimes you don’t even need to be too much better, just different. Remember, you can’t buy onion rings at McDonald’s but you can at Burger King.

What’s Your Offer?
One of the big differentiators has to do with your offer. How can you stand out from the competition?

If you get this one factor right success can be yours in a surprising short amount of time.

For example; YourHappyClients.Com offers a satisfaction gurantee on our Done For You service. Not even 1 in a 1000 business consultants will do this.

In fact, at our website you can get our free report: “7 Secrets to Keep Your Business from Failing in the First 5 Years!”

If you have a new business, or are even thinking about starting one, it would be a very good idea to read what it has to say.

Get Your Free Report Here.