Single Operated Newsletter – What Sells Online – And How To Offer It

When new onliners investigate ‘how to make money online’ they are bombarded with so many choices it’s overwhelming. But even if you are a ‘seasoned onliner’ the choices don’t get much easier.

Very quickly a couple of pathways become apparent:

(A) You can spend every spare moment in front of your computer engaged in what is an endless list of activities to generate sales for your product or service.

(B) You can outsource this activity and spend time, and money, learning which outsource services work and which do not.

But long before you make these choices it is critical to make certain that the product or service you are offering is in demand.

What’s In Demand?
Many online newcomers, and veterans, are at a loss when it comes to what is working online. They go from site to site hoping to ‘strike gold’ as it were. Unfortunately, this very behavior is at the root of much of their failure.

I believe that most people looking to make money online today are so frustrated they have given up. The scams and disappointments have caused them to lose hope. But making money online is NOT hard. You need to have a service that people need and a system to compensate them.

The days of just selling people information products in hopes of earning real money are gone. The theft and duplication make that impossible. You must plug people into an easy system that will do the work and compensate them. Today online it is all about ‘done for you’, most people don’t have time, or patience, for anything else.

A single operated newsletter may be the easiest business ventures to set up:

1) Create an account
2) Import your email list (Paidletter shows you how to grow one)
3) Connect to a payment system (we prefer Stripe) to receive payments.

Readers subscribe monthly or annually, and most publications offer a discount for the annual subscription.

Get your Free week of the single operated newsletter that our clients pay to read. (Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page).