Tim Ferriss Net Worth – Using His D.E.A.L. Method

Tim Ferriss…

By now, you probably know who Tim Ferriss is.

His must-read book “The 4 Hour work week” presented a more optimized way of looking at the world. He also examined new trends that are gaining momentum.

His book revealed the possibility of experiencing lifestyle freedom without having to become a millionaire. This is accomplished by using the underappreciated currencies of time and mobility.

To make his point Tim uses the acronym “DEAL” (in his words):

Definition: Replace self-defeating assumptions.
Elimination: Forget time management; learn to ignore the unimportant. (provides time)
Automation: Learn to put cash flow on autopilot. (provides income)
Liberation: Create freedom of location. (provides mobility)

Time versus money

Busy people sell their time for other people to use it (a job). This process results in trading time for money or renting out their lives. This approach lacks leverage.

People who tend to accomplish big things in life leverage the skills of others. They leverage their connections, time, knowledge, and skillset, which gives them time freedom.

Busy people believe that they can not increase their value. They ignore the value they can generate with their time. They do not realize that money is infinite, but time is not.

Busy people don’t realize that they are running out of time. They can no longer learn from their actions and adjust. They are stuck.

Top performers know that the way you spend time right now will determine your options tomorrow.

What can a busy person do differently?

Discover how a busy person can put the D.E.A.L. principle to work.