Our Most-Read Article

Right now individuals are earning more income online than you can imagine.

1) They are not trading time for money.
2) They have created online assets that work around the clock.

Sadly this is not the case for most individuals trying to make money on the internet.

The 50+ Crowd
Those who are 50+ are feeling the pinch of the economic pressure even more.

You may see this with parents who had hoped to safely retire but instead still need to work.

According to CNBC:
“56% of Americans say they’re not on track to comfortably retire…”

Other reports say that the number of people who will need to continue working through retirement is closer to 80%.

But this fact is further complicated because people at retirement age have the following challenges:

  • Many are dealing with health issues that make it hard to work.
  • The physical demands of many jobs are beyond their capability.
  • Some feel that the jobs requiring technical skills aren’t viable options.

Others have tried working with rideshare services but encountered a host of problems (see more here).

Unfortunately, many individuals at retirement age have not saved enough money or have assets.

What is an Asset?
An asset is something containing economic value and/or future benefit. An asset can often generate cash flows in the future, such as a piece of machinery, a financial security, or a patent.

Personal assets can include a home, land, financial securities, jewelry, artwork, gold and silver, or your checking account. Business assets can include such things as motor vehicles, buildings, machinery, equipment, cash, and accounts receivable.

The Online Approach to Income Generation
There has never been a more powerful vehicle than the internet to earn income because it never sleeps! If you find a good method you can wake up to new cash each day.

The internet provides a vast array of opportunities to diversify income streams. Individuals can explore multiple avenues to generate revenue, such as freelancing, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, content creation, online tutoring, and more.

The Problem
Most of the make-money-online business models don’t allow you to create an asset. Instead, most require you to sell some widget or product that you don’t own.

Why PaidLetter.Com is Different
PaidLetter lets you plug into our Proprietary System to generate a paid newsletter. This is an asset that works for you (and generates income) around the clock.

Our System:

  • Finds your subscribers.
  • Converts your subscribers.
  • Delivers the curated content to them.

A paid newsletter is something we know a bit about because readers search for our paid newsletter (Single Operated Newsletter) a million times each DAY!

Our S.O.N. guides individuals who are using our system to create their own paid newsletter. You can learn more about our S.O.N. (and get a week for FREE) at this link.

Our Fortune Training Course
The doorway to our Proprietary System is through the Fortune Training Course. Here you will get the ‘secret sauce’.

And unlike most of the online money-making programs we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Complete Privacy!
This is still the number one reason why course students like using our System to make thousands each month part-time. Almost every other program online requires you to plaster yourself all over social media.

Using our System allows you to keep your activity private (which might be important if you have a snooping boss or co-worker).

Freebie Newsletters with Sponsors
Course students know that getting paying subscribers that generate recurring income is the key to your success with a paid newsletter.

Even though many of the gurus will try to sell you on the merits of producing a free newsletter and then trying to get sponsorship.

In case you haven’t taken this route trying to get sponsors for freebie newsletters is a miserable waste of time!


  • Most newbies don’t know how to get readers to engage.
  • Time is wasted trying to get sponsors (and readers)
  • There’s a tendency to fudge the size of the list to get sponsors.

However, sponsors can be difficult and demanding.

And most of those free newsletters have little engagement because they are not valued.

They end up in “read later” folders or are deleted entirely.

Which doesn’t bode well for sponsorship.

That means that sponsors stop paying!

(See the problem?)

When you use our System to convert readers into paying subscribers a mere 200 of them will change your life forever!

Not 20,000 or 5,000, or even 1,000.

Just 200 subscribers.

Our Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee
Many spend too much time online spinning their wheels. Many are afraid to move forward due to fear of not knowing what to do.

Some of our new course students had so many ideas that they didn’t know where to start. We show them which one will earn them the most money immediately. And if they get stuck along the way our 24/7/365 E-Coaching is there to help.

One of our favorite emails was from a student who wrote this:
“I put off joining for a year. Thought I was too busy. But in that time if I’m being honest I didn’t make any new money. In my first month, I made $2,200 with your paid newsletter system. I was crazy to wait so long!”

Who should use our paid newsletter System?
If you fit into one of these categories our paid newsletter System will be a financial lifestyle changer for you:

  • you have a successful business and want to add an asset
  • your side business is struggling and you need more cash fast
  • you have a career and because of the insane work hours you want to break free
  • you are a teacher, author, or expert and need online income to stabilize your income
  • you have an online store that is costing you more money than it is bringing in
  • you are retired or have a disability and need to work from home
  • you want laptop income because you have a strong urge to travel
  • you have serious debt

Our course students come from all of these categories.

If you have made it this far there’s a good chance you have a good reason to get more cash into your bank account quickly.

Here are your 3 options:

1) You are ready and tired of being broke each month – join here.

2) You are ready to start but the Fortune Training Course is not in your budget yet – start here.

3) You want to see ‘the magic’ that we use with our own paid newsletter (that gets a million readers to search for it each DAY). Get your Free week – go here.