Single Operated Newsletter – Edward Nevraumont – Marketing BS

A single operated newsletter may be the easiest business ventures to set up:

1) Create an account
2) Import your email list (Paidletter shows you how to grow one)
3) Connect to a payment system (we prefer Stripe) to receive payments.

Readers subscribe monthly or annually, and most publications offer a discount for the annual subscription.

About Marketing BS:

Edward Nevraumont is a marketer’s marketer who prides himself on being a contrarian — hence the name of his newsletter, Marketing BS. Nevraumont believes most of the latest business trends are BS and steers his readers away from the shiny object syndrome that has so many marketers chasing the latest trends. Marketing BS is insightful and funny. Aside from being an in-demand and consultant, Nevraumont also regularly performs as a stand-up comedian.


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