Single Operated Newsletter – Sam Ovens Review

Even if you don’t purchase Sam’s high ticket program it may be worth taking a listen to what he has to say.

If the last 5 years were all about using webinars to promote your business the next five will certainly be about high ticket sales. (More about that in a second)

Let’s look at the Wisdom of Sam Ovens:

Stop Looking for An Idea
Most entrepreneurs starting a business get stalled trying to find the “right” idea. Even part-time business starters get tied up in this knot. But what Sam suggests is that you look for a problem to solve. He started out helping local plumbers get more business before leveraging the knowledge and experience gained there into

People who have a problem (pain) will pay good, often great, money to have someone solve it. And getting new clients for a business is certainly a good one.

More Time on the Product than the Sales Funnel
Online gurus pushing their sales funnels have new marketers in a tizzy. They are spinning so much time sweating the mechanics of a sales funnel that they miss the point. The product should be the main focus. If the product, or service, is crap no fancy sales funnel will save it. Instead, you will simply waste money on a fixture when you should be focusing on the solution.

Stop Becoming Distracted
Sam says that most entrepreneurs spend too much time spread between too many projects. They believe that they are creating “multiple streams of income” but none of the projects are making any real money. He says to stop that and focus on one primary product and get that right. Until then everything else is a distraction. He calls discipline the tool of the masters and says that people can be divided into three categories:

Low performers — Never work hard.
Average performers — Work hard when they’re motivated.
High performers — Work hard regardless of any circumstance.

Scaling Requires a Team
If you have gotten a business to the point where it is actually making money the next step for growth is to scale. But he believes that this can only be done with an “in-house” team. There are too many variables to try and scale using outsourcers. Yes, this runs counter-culture but the evidence seems to back him up.

Problems with Coaching
Many of the webinars you are watching (perhaps 80%) have the primary goal of leading you to a one-on-one phone call. Which is usually trying to sell you a coaching program.

During the pandemic, many people who have lost jobs or are stuck at home are turning to the internet as an income option.

For many online newbies, coaching seems to be a viable solution.

But coaching has some obvious drawbacks (especially when compared to running a single operated newsletter).

Coaching Costs.
One of the trickiest aspects of becoming a coach is finding clients who can afford your services. The gurus teach that you can make thousands of dollars from one coaching client a month. But this is a difficult task during the pandemic with so much job loss and folks pinching pennies because of uncertainty.

Running a single operated newsletter allows you to offer in-demand digital services to clients who are only paying $20 to $50. The service that you are offering easily justifies the cost. And when you have even 500 subscribers (which our course shows you how to get) your income scales quickly.

Facebook Ads.
You are being sold on the value of Facebook ads for finding coaching clients. The truth is you need to be comfortable spending (and more likely losing) a minimum of $3,000 to begin the Facebook journey.

Our course teaches a proprietary method for acquiring clients without the need for social media at all.

Personal Matching.
You will spend much of your time as a coach with clients who have problems and personal conflicts. And you will need to become a chameleon with each client trying to match their temperament to get them onboard. This process can be physically and mentally exhausting.

With a single operated newsletter, you have already matched your offering with the subscriber who wants (and needs) it. There is no physical contact or even phone calls.

Standard of teaching.
Many coaches need to be accredited. The process of accreditation can become expensive.

You will largely be using a curation process to provide the information needed by your clients. Much like handing your subscribers a treasure map, they are only interested in results.

Time Drain.
Too little is said about the massive amount of time it takes to get prospects on the phone. The hours you can spend chasing prospects, before turning them into clients is maddening. And that’s before the hours spent on the phone with clients who are often unmotivated, or unwilling, to do the work required.

You eliminate all of these problems with a single operated newsletter as your income vehicle.

Get your Free week of the single operated newsletter that our clients pay to read.