Procrastinating VS Wantrepreneur Syndrome

Procrastinating VS Wantrepreneur Syndrome – Are They the Same?

Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions.

Wantrepreneur (plural wantrepreneurs) A person who aspires to be an entrepreneur, especially one who never realizes this ambition.

In these recessionary times, more people are coming online to generate income. An astonishing number of individuals are working jobs that can’t sustain them. This has led to the need for additional work. Often it means working two jobs.

When we interview our new students they often say the same things:

  • “confused about how to start making money online.”
  • “don’t have technical skills.”
  • “afraid of being scammed.”

They thought that progress was being made toward their goals. But didn’t realize how much time was wasted with:

  • reading books
  • watching YouTube (Netflix)
  • social media

Our successful students now understand that the only way financial progress is made online is by:

  • getting clients (subscribers)
  • monetizing them

Through our course, we show them how to do that by solving problems. We do it in a transformative way.

Yet the only way that students can trigger this transformation (and break the procrastination cycle) is by making offers.

Since students come to us with limited budgets and a disdain for making telephone calls our system reveals how to achieve their success without:

  • making telephone calls.
  • using cold emails.
  • paying for advertising (YouTube, Facebook, Google, etc.)

The reason our subscription models lets them achieve success so quickly is because it accomplishes the 3 biggest goals with customers:

1) Getting more customers.
2) Getting more customers that buy more from you.
3) Getting more customers that buy more from you more often.

See what our students had to say about finally earning money online part-time.